By-Laws for the Crime Analysts of Illinois Association,




The Crime Analysts of Illinois exists to enhance the effectiveness and consistency of crime analysis by assisting in the establishment of crime analysis units and by providing an information network. One of our goals is to establish a mentor program so that new analysts can visit other departments to get ideas on setting up a crime analysis unit that would conform to their particular department. C.A.I. is dedicating to exchanging ideas about crime, crime patterns, criminals, and analytical techniques. In addition, we hope to provide a forum for interaction and improve the communication between analysts across Illinois.








A.            The name of the organization shall be CRIME ANALYSTS OF ILLINOIS ASSOCIATION, NFP. (CAI) a charitable and educational organization within the meaning of section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.


B.            The mailing address the organization shall use will be the address of the police agency that the President of the association is employed by.








Section 1:            Purpose


                The purpose of CAI is to provide a forum for the exchange of information and ideas among members pertaining to issues in crime analysis. Furthermore, CAI will address and promote training and educational issues to enhance and promote the profession of crime analysis.


Section 2:            Function


A.            Enhance public and official understanding of the role of crime analysis in law enforcement;


B.            Facilitate and coordinate the exchange of  information and training, seminars, and discussion among members;


C.            Reinforce the concepts of professionalism, dedication to service, and integrity among practitioners of crime analysis.








Section 1:            Eligibility


A.            Regular members shall be a person, either civilian or sworn, actively involved in the practice of crime analysis for a law enforcement agency in the State of Illinois or adjacent states. Working solely for the city, state, village or federal agency does not automatically ensure membership into the Crime Analysts of Illinois.


B.            Members (at least three but not more than five in one year) of the Advisory Board shall be a person, civilian or sworn, who although not actively involved in crime analysis, hold a position of authority within a law enforcement agency; or who is affiliated with a state or federal training agency. Examples of person qualifying for advisory membership are Chiefs, Deputy Chiefs, Captains, Commanders, and Lieutenants of law enforcement agencies.


Advisory board members shall act in an advisory capacity only and shall have no voting powers. Advisory Board members shall hold their position for a one-year period with 2/3 vote of the Executive Board. Advisory Board members shall submit a letter of intent describing their qualifications and reasons for serving as an Advisory Member of CAI. There shall be no term limits for Advisory Board members. After their initial year’s term Advisory Board members shall resubmit a letter stating, they would like to continue to serve as Advisory Board member and shall retain said position with the consent of 2/3 of the Executive Board of CAI.


Honorary Membership: Shall be comprised of individuals recognized by the Crime Analysts of Illinois NFP for exceptional service or contribution to the fields of Crime Analysis or law enforcement. Such Honorary Members may not hold any Executive Office within the Crime Analysts of Illinois NFP, nor shall they have any voting rights. The term of membership shall be for one year and will be reviewed yearly by the Executive Board. At such time, if deemed by the majority vote of the Executive Board, the membership will be extended for the upcoming year. However, if deemed necessary by the Executive Board, membership may be revoked at any time by a majority vote of the Executive Board.


Section 2:            Membership Privileges


All members of CAI in good standing shall hold a right to cast a ballot in the election of the officers of the organization; to hold office in the organization; and to sit on any committee.


All members of CAI in good standing hold the right of access to all general meetings of the organization, publications produced by CAI, and to information maintained by the organization which is in the public domain.


                Should a CAI member leave the agency, and the agency paid for his or her membership, it is up to that agency to notify the CAI President in writing if they have chosen to have the membership privileges transferred to the person who replaced the current CAI member. Otherwise by default, the member will remain an active member with voting privileges as long as he or she is still employed in a law enforcement capacity until the paid dues expire. Proof of employment by another law enforcement agency is required to maintain membership, as addressed in Article III, Section 5


Section 3:            Application for Membership


Application for membership in CAI can be made by submitting the application materials to the Office of the Treasurer, along with all dues and fees. Upon receipt of the application and if, finding the applicant in compliance with the germane regulations and by-laws of CAI, the Treasurer will take said application before the Executive Board for approval. Should an application for membership be submitted via the Internet, written proof of the prospective member’s employment must be provided to the CAI before membership is granted.


Section 4:            Dues & Fees


                Membership dues shall be established by the Executive Board and shall be payable annually in advance.


                Should any member, except an Advisory member, fail to pay the dues balance prior to thirty (30) days before the expiration of the second quarter of the calendar year for which the dues have not been paid, then at the discretion and consent of the Executive Board, such member shall be suspended from all membership rights and benefits.


                Any member suspended for nonpayment of dues shall be automatically reinstated upon payment of the amount due for the current year.


All memberships are based on the calendar year January 1 through December 31.


Section 5:            Suspension, Expulsion, Reinstatement


                A member may be suspended if they leave the position of crime analyst or related position and have not been rehired in a similar capacity within sixty (60) days.


                The member shall notify CAI in writing of the change in job status. Failure to do so will result in the member’s expulsion from CAI. Members shall be reinstated in CAI after the organization has received, from the member, written verification on a department letterhead that they are serving as a crime analyst or in a related position with another employer.


                A member shall be suspended for good cause, which includes but is not limited to, malfeasance in office, criminal conduct, or serious nonprofessional conduct.


                The Executive Board is responsible for affecting an interim suspension of a member pending a fair and impartial hearing. A vote of 2/3 of the Executive Board is necessary for suspending a member.




                A member shall be expelled from CAI, for good cause shown, by vote of three quarters (3/4) of the full regular membership after charges are brought and a fair and impartial hearing is held accordance with procedures prescribed in Robert’s Rule of Order at a general or annual meeting.


                No member that has been expelled from CAI may be readmitted to membership within one year. Readmission thereafter shall require the consent of the majority of the Executive Board.


Section 6: Disciplinary Action


If any member, board or otherwise, has an active investigation, or is under any form of disciplinary action from his/her own agency, including, but not limited to administrative leave, suspension or is facing possible termination, the member must notify the CAI President within 5 business days. CAI will replicate the disciplinary action of the members’ agency. For example, if said member has a five (5) day administrate leave, for those same five (5) days, the CAI member is considered unable to participate in CAI activity.








Section 1:            Officers of the Organization


                The by-laws of CAI will provide for the following Officers and terms of office:


There shall be a President, Vice President of Administration, Vice President of Membership, Treasurer, and Secretary. An office of past President will be established as an advisory role for the board. This position will have no voting authority.


Section 2:            Term of Office


The term of office will not exceed the passing of three general meetings of the membership of CAI following the general meeting at which the officer was elected or three calendar years. If any office should go vacant during the elected term, it will be the responsibility of the President to fill the position for the remainder of the elected term contingent on the approval of a 2/3 vote of the membership of the Executive Board.


Section 3:            The Office of the President


                The President will be the presiding officer at all general meetings of the membership of CAI and the Executive Board and will hold an ex-officio membership in all committees and boards of CAI.


                The President shall with the advice and consent of the Executive Board appoint the members, other then the elected chair of standing committee; appoint interim standing committee chair should chair vacancies occur prior to the off-year election meeting; and appoint special committees and special committee chairs as needed.


Section 4:            The Office of Vice President of Administration


                                The Vice President of Administration shall assume the office and powers of the President in the event the President is unable to perform. The Vice President of Administration will perform all other duties assigned to him/her by the President or Executive Board.


Section 5:            The Office of Vice President of Membership


The Vice President of Membership shall hold the primary responsibility for reviewing applications for membership in CAI and shall forward applications to the Executive Board for approval.


                The Vice President of membership shall be the primary line of recourse for issues and complaints of the membership and shall report to the Executive Board on all membership issues.


                The Vice President of Membership shall be responsible for providing membership certificates to the paid members of the CAI within thirty days of receipt of  membership due payment.


Section 6:            The Office of Secretary


The Secretary of the CAI will hold responsibility for the correspondence of the organization and the transcription and distribution of the minutes of the general meetings of the membership and the Executive Board.


                The Secretary shall keep accurate records of CAI proceedings; issue notices of meetings, and any other duties assigned by the President or the Executive Board.


Section 7:            The Office of Treasurer


                The Treasurer shall be responsible for receiving and processing membership application, dues and fees. In addition the Treasurer shall maintain membership directory and forward to all members monthly, all financial records, books, and accounts of the organization and prepare a monthly Financial Report for the Executive Board and annually a Financial Report to be published in the proceedings of CAI.


                It shall be the responsibility of the Treasurer to assist the Executive Board in the conduct of audits of the organization.


                All funds disbursements over the amount of $250.00 will be authorized by the Treasurer and approved, by means of a counter signature, by the President, or in his/her absence, the Vice President of Administration. Any funds disbursement equal to or less than $250.00 will be done by the Treasurer.


                The Treasurer shall be responsible for preparing an annual budget and shall present the budget to the Executive Board for approval.


                If at some point in time the association disbands, the Treasurer will research what requirements need to be met pertaining to funds remaining in the name of the CAI.  He or she will discuss with the Executive Board what procedures need to be followed, and how the funds should be disbursed.  Funds will not be disbursed without the majority approval of the Executive Board and signatures on the disbursement check from the Treasurer and the President, or the next-in-command under the President in his or her absence.


Section 8:            Board Member Attendance


                Board members are required to attend eight out of the twelve meetings held during the calendar year.  If a board member cannot attend, he or she must find a person to fulfill his or her meeting                 responsibilities in their absence.  Failure to adhere to this policy may result in ineligibility for officer candidacy in the next election.  If three consecutive meetings are missed, the board holds the option of appointing a replacement.


Section 9:            Succession of Office


                In the event the President is unable to perform the duties ascribed, the office shall be assumed by the Vice President of Administration, followed by the Vice President of Membership, then the Treasurer, and if no Treasurer, then the Secretary takes over.


In the case that an elected officer is unable or unwilling to hold their positions, by majority vote of the current CAI attending the next monthly meeting, a temporary successor maybe appointed to serve for the remainder of the year.


                If the process of succession depletes the ranks of the Vice Presidents, the Executive Board, providing a quorum can be established, will appoint office holders to fill vacancies for the remainder of their elected terms.








Section 1:            Qualifications


Any member of CAI in good standing shall be qualified to hold office in the organization. Good standing shall be defined as being current on any and all dues and fees.


Section 2:            Term limitations


No elected member shall hold office for more than three consecutive terms, unless if after the October meeting there are no candidates the current board member can run for that office.


Section 3:            Electoral Process


                The election of officers shall take place in October, or two months prior to the completion of the terms of office of the current elected officers.


                Ballots may be cast at the general meeting, or on the Internet in a secured section of the website for the Crime Analysts of Illinois Association.  Standards to eliminate fraudulent voting must be in place if Internet balloting is to be utilized.


                Balloting will remain open until one week before the November meeting, or the meeting held one month prior to the completion of the terms of office of the current elected officers.


                A nominee will be considered elected to an office when he/she receives a simple majority of the general membership casting votes in the election If there is one nominee for an office, that person shall be considered elected by acclimation.


                If no nominee receives a simple majority of the ballots, a run off election must be conducted between the nominees who received the largest number of votes in the general election.


Section 4:            Nomination Process


                A person wishing to be placed on the ballot for the contested office must submit to the Vice President of Administration a letter of intent for the respective office.  This letter may be delivered in person, by mail, or by electronic mail. An individual can only run for one office per election. Nominations will be opened at the August meeting, or four months prior to the completion of terms of office of the current elected officers.  Nominations will be closed one week prior to the September meeting date, or the meeting held three months prior to the completion of the terms of office of the current elected officers.  At the September meeting, a final declaration of nominees will be announced


                If after the September meeting there are offices with no candidates, nominations may be accepted until one week before the October meeting.


Nominee for office shall be certified by the Treasurer. A list of qualified candidates will be distributed with the registration materials at the general meeting of the membership.








Section 1:            Composition


                The Executive Board of CAI shall be composed of all elected officers of the organization. The Executive Board shall be chaired by the President or in his/her absence, the Vice President of Administration.


                The Executive Board shall meet from time to time as called by the President for the purpose of advising the President in carrying out the administration business and other affairs of the organization in accordance with the Constitution and By-Laws.








Section 1:            General Meetings


                There shall be a general meeting of the membership of Crime Analysts of Illinois announced on an annual basis. The dates, time, and locations of these meetings will be decided by the Executive Board. General meetings of CAI may be held as needed to support the needs and purpose of the organization.


                Quorum at all CAI general and annual meetings shall consist of five percent (5%) of the regular membership. Except as otherwise specified herein, motions and actions proposed shall become effective upon a majority vote of the regular members then present and voting.


Section 2:            Executive Board Meetings


                A meeting of the Executive Board may be called at any time by the President


of the CAI. There will be, at the least, one Executive Board meeting scheduled to


coincide with the annual meeting of the general  membership.








Section 1:            Committee Membership


                                Appointed members of all committees must be members in good standing of the CAI. The President shall appoint all committee members with the approval of 2/3 vote of the Executive Board.


Section 2:            Ad Hoc Committee


                The Executive Board has the authority to establish and compose committees with specific agendas, as the need is perceived. The composition and authority of these committees will be duly reported and recorded in the minutes of the Executive Board. The ad hoc committee shall be considered chartered and in force with a 2/3 vote of the Executive Board








The Crime Analysts of Illinois will be governed by the rules and provisions of these by-laws, and any applicable and approved committee regulations. Where the standards and provisions of these by-laws are insufficient to resolve disputes, the most current edition of Roberts Rules of Order shall be consulted. The conduct of all meetings and actionable votes of any component of this organization must be held in compliance with the provisions of Roberts Rules of Order.








Amendments of these by-laws must be submitted in writing, to the membership prior to or at the next scheduled meeting of the general membership of CAI.


                The proposed amendment (s) will be distributed to the voting membership with registration materials for the next general meeting. Members will discuss the proposed changes and make amendments before submitting them to the membership for approval.


For approval and amendment of the by-laws, the proposed amendment(s) must receive 2/3 of the voting membership. Each amendment will stand for approval as a single measure. This approval will occur by the official ballot.








                Upon the dissolution of the corporation, the Board of Trustees shall, after paying or making provisions for the payment of all the liabilities of the corporation, dispose of all the assets of the corporation exclusively for the purposes of the corporation in such manner, or to such organizations operated exclusively for charitable, educational, or scientific purposes as shall at the time qualify as an exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law), as the Board of Trustees shall determine. Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by the Court of Common Pleas of the county in which the principal office of the corporation is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations, as said court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.








No part of the net earnings of the corporation shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to, its members, trustees, officers or other private persons except that the corporation shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered.








No substantial part of the activities of the corporation shall be the carrying on of propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence legislation and the corporation shall not participate in or intervene (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office.








Notwithstanding any other provisions of these articles, the corporation shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by a corporation exempt from Federal Income Tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law) or (b) by a corporation, contributions, to which are deductible under section 170(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law).





1 Community Blvd.

Wheeling, IL 60090

pHONE: 847-459-2999




© Copyright 2014 Crime Analysts of Illinois Association, NFP. All rights reserved.


By-Laws for the Crime Analysts of Illinois Association,




The Crime Analysts of Illinois exists to enhance the effectiveness and consistency of crime analysis by assisting in the establishment of crime analysis units and by providing an information network. One of our goals is to establish a mentor program so that new analysts can visit other departments to get ideas on setting up a crime analysis unit that would conform to their particular department. C.A.I. is dedicating to exchanging ideas about crime, crime patterns, criminals, and analytical techniques. In addition, we hope to provide a forum for interaction and improve the communication between analysts across Illinois.








A.            The name of the organization shall be CRIME ANALYSTS OF ILLINOIS ASSOCIATION, NFP. (CAI) a charitable and educational organization within the meaning of section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.


B.            The mailing address the organization shall use will be the address of the police agency that the President of the association is employed by.








Section 1:            Purpose


                The purpose of CAI is to provide a forum for the exchange of information and ideas among members pertaining to issues in crime analysis. Furthermore, CAI will address and promote training and educational issues to enhance and promote the profession of crime analysis.


Section 2:            Function


A.            Enhance public and official understanding of the role of crime analysis in law enforcement;


B.            Facilitate and coordinate the exchange of  information and training, seminars, and discussion among members;


C.            Reinforce the concepts of professionalism, dedication to service, and integrity among practitioners of crime analysis.








Section 1:            Eligibility


A.            Regular members shall be a person, either civilian or sworn, actively involved in the practice of crime analysis for a law enforcement agency in the State of Illinois or adjacent states. Working solely for the city, state, village or federal agency does not automatically ensure membership into the Crime Analysts of Illinois.


B.            Members (at least three but not more than five in one year) of the Advisory Board shall be a person, civilian or sworn, who although not actively involved in crime analysis, hold a position of authority within a law enforcement agency; or who is affiliated with a state or federal training agency. Examples of person qualifying for advisory membership are Chiefs, Deputy Chiefs, Captains, Commanders, and Lieutenants of law enforcement agencies.


Advisory board members shall act in an advisory capacity only and shall have no voting powers. Advisory Board members shall hold their position for a one-year period with 2/3 vote of the Executive Board. Advisory Board members shall submit a letter of intent describing their qualifications and reasons for serving as an Advisory Member of CAI. There shall be no term limits for Advisory Board members. After their initial year’s term Advisory Board members shall resubmit a letter stating, they would like to continue to serve as Advisory Board member and shall retain said position with the consent of 2/3 of the Executive Board of CAI.


Honorary Membership: Shall be comprised of individuals recognized by the Crime Analysts of Illinois NFP for exceptional service or contribution to the fields of Crime Analysis or law enforcement. Such Honorary Members may not hold any Executive Office within the Crime Analysts of Illinois NFP, nor shall they have any voting rights. The term of membership shall be for one year and will be reviewed yearly by the Executive Board. At such time, if deemed by the majority vote of the Executive Board, the membership will be extended for the upcoming year. However, if deemed necessary by the Executive Board, membership may be revoked at any time by a majority vote of the Executive Board.


Section 2:            Membership Privileges


All members of CAI in good standing shall hold a right to cast a ballot in the election of the officers of the organization; to hold office in the organization; and to sit on any committee.


All members of CAI in good standing hold the right of access to all general meetings of the organization, publications produced by CAI, and to information maintained by the organization which is in the public domain.


                Should a CAI member leave the agency, and the agency paid for his or her membership, it is up to that agency to notify the CAI President in writing if they have chosen to have the membership privileges transferred to the person who replaced the current CAI member. Otherwise by default, the member will remain an active member with voting privileges as long as he or she is still employed in a law enforcement capacity until the paid dues expire. Proof of employment by another law enforcement agency is required to maintain membership, as addressed in Article III, Section 5


Section 3:            Application for Membership


Application for membership in CAI can be made by submitting the application materials to the Office of the Treasurer, along with all dues and fees. Upon receipt of the application and if, finding the applicant in compliance with the germane regulations and by-laws of CAI, the Treasurer will take said application before the Executive Board for approval. Should an application for membership be submitted via the Internet, written proof of the prospective member’s employment must be provided to the CAI before membership is granted.


Section 4:            Dues & Fees


                Membership dues shall be established by the Executive Board and shall be payable annually in advance.


                Should any member, except an Advisory member, fail to pay the dues balance prior to thirty (30) days before the expiration of the second quarter of the calendar year for which the dues have not been paid, then at the discretion and consent of the Executive Board, such member shall be suspended from all membership rights and benefits.


                Any member suspended for nonpayment of dues shall be automatically reinstated upon payment of the amount due for the current year.


All memberships are based on the calendar year January 1 through December 31.


Section 5:            Suspension, Expulsion, Reinstatement


                A member may be suspended if they leave the position of crime analyst or related position and have not been rehired in a similar capacity within sixty (60) days.


                The member shall notify CAI in writing of the change in job status. Failure to do so will result in the member’s expulsion from CAI. Members shall be reinstated in CAI after the organization has received, from the member, written verification on a department letterhead that they are serving as a crime analyst or in a related position with another employer.


                A member shall be suspended for good cause, which includes but is not limited to, malfeasance in office, criminal conduct, or serious nonprofessional conduct.


                The Executive Board is responsible for affecting an interim suspension of a member pending a fair and impartial hearing. A vote of 2/3 of the Executive Board is necessary for suspending a member.




                A member shall be expelled from CAI, for good cause shown, by vote of three quarters (3/4) of the full regular membership after charges are brought and a fair and impartial hearing is held accordance with procedures prescribed in Robert’s Rule of Order at a general or annual meeting.


                No member that has been expelled from CAI may be readmitted to membership within one year. Readmission thereafter shall require the consent of the majority of the Executive Board.


Section 6: Disciplinary Action


If any member, board or otherwise, has an active investigation, or is under any form of disciplinary action from his/her own agency, including, but not limited to administrative leave, suspension or is facing possible termination, the member must notify the CAI President within 5 business days. CAI will replicate the disciplinary action of the members’ agency. For example, if said member has a five (5) day administrate leave, for those same five (5) days, the CAI member is considered unable to participate in CAI activity.








Section 1:            Officers of the Organization


                The by-laws of CAI will provide for the following Officers and terms of office:


There shall be a President, Vice President of Administration, Vice President of Membership, Treasurer, and Secretary. An office of past President will be established as an advisory role for the board. This position will have no voting authority.


Section 2:            Term of Office


The term of office will not exceed the passing of three general meetings of the membership of CAI following the general meeting at which the officer was elected or three calendar years. If any office should go vacant during the elected term, it will be the responsibility of the President to fill the position for the remainder of the elected term contingent on the approval of a 2/3 vote of the membership of the Executive Board.


Section 3:            The Office of the President


                The President will be the presiding officer at all general meetings of the membership of CAI and the Executive Board and will hold an ex-officio membership in all committees and boards of CAI.


                The President shall with the advice and consent of the Executive Board appoint the members, other then the elected chair of standing committee; appoint interim standing committee chair should chair vacancies occur prior to the off-year election meeting; and appoint special committees and special committee chairs as needed.


Section 4:            The Office of Vice President of Administration


                                The Vice President of Administration shall assume the office and powers of the President in the event the President is unable to perform. The Vice President of Administration will perform all other duties assigned to him/her by the President or Executive Board.


Section 5:            The Office of Vice President of Membership


The Vice President of Membership shall hold the primary responsibility for reviewing applications for membership in CAI and shall forward applications to the Executive Board for approval.


                The Vice President of membership shall be the primary line of recourse for issues and complaints of the membership and shall report to the Executive Board on all membership issues.


                The Vice President of Membership shall be responsible for providing membership certificates to the paid members of the CAI within thirty days of receipt of  membership due payment.


Section 6:            The Office of Secretary


The Secretary of the CAI will hold responsibility for the correspondence of the organization and the transcription and distribution of the minutes of the general meetings of the membership and the Executive Board.


                The Secretary shall keep accurate records of CAI proceedings; issue notices of meetings, and any other duties assigned by the President or the Executive Board.


Section 7:            The Office of Treasurer


                The Treasurer shall be responsible for receiving and processing membership application, dues and fees. In addition the Treasurer shall maintain membership directory and forward to all members monthly, all financial records, books, and accounts of the organization and prepare a monthly Financial Report for the Executive Board and annually a Financial Report to be published in the proceedings of CAI.


                It shall be the responsibility of the Treasurer to assist the Executive Board in the conduct of audits of the organization.


                All funds disbursements over the amount of $250.00 will be authorized by the Treasurer and approved, by means of a counter signature, by the President, or in his/her absence, the Vice President of Administration. Any funds disbursement equal to or less than $250.00 will be done by the Treasurer.


                The Treasurer shall be responsible for preparing an annual budget and shall present the budget to the Executive Board for approval.


                If at some point in time the association disbands, the Treasurer will research what requirements need to be met pertaining to funds remaining in the name of the CAI.  He or she will discuss with the Executive Board what procedures need to be followed, and how the funds should be disbursed.  Funds will not be disbursed without the majority approval of the Executive Board and signatures on the disbursement check from the Treasurer and the President, or the next-in-command under the President in his or her absence.


Section 8:            Board Member Attendance


                Board members are required to attend eight out of the twelve meetings held during the calendar year.  If a board member cannot attend, he or she must find a person to fulfill his or her meeting                 responsibilities in their absence.  Failure to adhere to this policy may result in ineligibility for officer candidacy in the next election.  If three consecutive meetings are missed, the board holds the option of appointing a replacement.


Section 9:            Succession of Office


                In the event the President is unable to perform the duties ascribed, the office shall be assumed by the Vice President of Administration, followed by the Vice President of Membership, then the Treasurer, and if no Treasurer, then the Secretary takes over.


In the case that an elected officer is unable or unwilling to hold their positions, by majority vote of the current CAI attending the next monthly meeting, a temporary successor maybe appointed to serve for the remainder of the year.


                If the process of succession depletes the ranks of the Vice Presidents, the Executive Board, providing a quorum can be established, will appoint office holders to fill vacancies for the remainder of their elected terms.








Section 1:            Qualifications


Any member of CAI in good standing shall be qualified to hold office in the organization. Good standing shall be defined as being current on any and all dues and fees.


Section 2:            Term limitations


No elected member shall hold office for more than three consecutive terms, unless if after the October meeting there are no candidates the current board member can run for that office.


Section 3:            Electoral Process


                The election of officers shall take place in October, or two months prior to the completion of the terms of office of the current elected officers.


                Ballots may be cast at the general meeting, or on the Internet in a secured section of the website for the Crime Analysts of Illinois Association.  Standards to eliminate fraudulent voting must be in place if Internet balloting is to be utilized.


                Balloting will remain open until one week before the November meeting, or the meeting held one month prior to the completion of the terms of office of the current elected officers.


                A nominee will be considered elected to an office when he/she receives a simple majority of the general membership casting votes in the election If there is one nominee for an office, that person shall be considered elected by acclimation.


                If no nominee receives a simple majority of the ballots, a run off election must be conducted between the nominees who received the largest number of votes in the general election.


Section 4:            Nomination Process


                A person wishing to be placed on the ballot for the contested office must submit to the Vice President of Administration a letter of intent for the respective office.  This letter may be delivered in person, by mail, or by electronic mail. An individual can only run for one office per election. Nominations will be opened at the August meeting, or four months prior to the completion of terms of office of the current elected officers.  Nominations will be closed one week prior to the September meeting date, or the meeting held three months prior to the completion of the terms of office of the current elected officers.  At the September meeting, a final declaration of nominees will be announced


                If after the September meeting there are offices with no candidates, nominations may be accepted until one week before the October meeting.


Nominee for office shall be certified by the Treasurer. A list of qualified candidates will be distributed with the registration materials at the general meeting of the membership.








Section 1:            Composition


                The Executive Board of CAI shall be composed of all elected officers of the organization. The Executive Board shall be chaired by the President or in his/her absence, the Vice President of Administration.


                The Executive Board shall meet from time to time as called by the President for the purpose of advising the President in carrying out the administration business and other affairs of the organization in accordance with the Constitution and By-Laws.








Section 1:            General Meetings


                There shall be a general meeting of the membership of Crime Analysts of Illinois announced on an annual basis. The dates, time, and locations of these meetings will be decided by the Executive Board. General meetings of CAI may be held as needed to support the needs and purpose of the organization.


                Quorum at all CAI general and annual meetings shall consist of five percent (5%) of the regular membership. Except as otherwise specified herein, motions and actions proposed shall become effective upon a majority vote of the regular members then present and voting.


Section 2:            Executive Board Meetings


                A meeting of the Executive Board may be called at any time by the President


of the CAI. There will be, at the least, one Executive Board meeting scheduled to


coincide with the annual meeting of the general  membership.








Section 1:            Committee Membership


                                Appointed members of all committees must be members in good standing of the CAI. The President shall appoint all committee members with the approval of 2/3 vote of the Executive Board.


Section 2:            Ad Hoc Committee


                The Executive Board has the authority to establish and compose committees with specific agendas, as the need is perceived. The composition and authority of these committees will be duly reported and recorded in the minutes of the Executive Board. The ad hoc committee shall be considered chartered and in force with a 2/3 vote of the Executive Board








The Crime Analysts of Illinois will be governed by the rules and provisions of these by-laws, and any applicable and approved committee regulations. Where the standards and provisions of these by-laws are insufficient to resolve disputes, the most current edition of Roberts Rules of Order shall be consulted. The conduct of all meetings and actionable votes of any component of this organization must be held in compliance with the provisions of Roberts Rules of Order.








Amendments of these by-laws must be submitted in writing, to the membership prior to or at the next scheduled meeting of the general membership of CAI.


                The proposed amendment (s) will be distributed to the voting membership with registration materials for the next general meeting. Members will discuss the proposed changes and make amendments before submitting them to the membership for approval.


For approval and amendment of the by-laws, the proposed amendment(s) must receive 2/3 of the voting membership. Each amendment will stand for approval as a single measure. This approval will occur by the official ballot.








                Upon the dissolution of the corporation, the Board of Trustees shall, after paying or making provisions for the payment of all the liabilities of the corporation, dispose of all the assets of the corporation exclusively for the purposes of the corporation in such manner, or to such organizations operated exclusively for charitable, educational, or scientific purposes as shall at the time qualify as an exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law), as the Board of Trustees shall determine. Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by the Court of Common Pleas of the county in which the principal office of the corporation is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations, as said court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.








No part of the net earnings of the corporation shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to, its members, trustees, officers or other private persons except that the corporation shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered.








No substantial part of the activities of the corporation shall be the carrying on of propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence legislation and the corporation shall not participate in or intervene (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office.








Notwithstanding any other provisions of these articles, the corporation shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by a corporation exempt from Federal Income Tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law) or (b) by a corporation, contributions, to which are deductible under section 170(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law).





1 Community Blvd.

Wheeling, IL 60090

pHONE: 847-459-2999




© Copyright 2014 Crime Analysts of Illinois Association, NFP. All rights reserved.